Old Account Purges

In an effort to speed up the website over all, we are now enforcing rules on how often you must sign in.

I have just completed purging all accounts that are first year (never killed Voldemort) and haven't signed on to the site in over 50 days. The reasoning behind this is that if you sign up for the site, but you never beat Voldemort and then sign out and don't come back in over 50 days, statistically speaking you will never come back so your space should be made available to new players.

Also, I have deleted all users with less then 28 VE (As in less then a God or Goddess) who have not signed in in over 160 days, as someone who is gone that long is also unlikely to return.

We feel that these numbers (50 days for firstyears, 160 for everyone else) are fair representations of people who are no longer wanting to be a part of the game.

This change should help increase the speed of the site, as it will decrase the size of the rapidly growing database to a more manageable level.

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